Yellow dyed quilted Maple w/green Short Fall Flogger

Regular price $255.00 Sale


• Description: This elegant flogger is by far the fastest moving piece. This could be a  fulfilling little thing. It has a great thud or an excellent bite, depending on how much you immerse yourself into your work. 
Handle: Antler crown 
Spacers: 1/16" Black Micarta, 1/16" Yellow G10, Green & Clear Quilted Maple
• Neck Material: Brass
• Neck Diameter: 1 1/16"
 Handle Length: 6”
Overall Length: 24 1/4”
Fall Width: 1/4”
Fall Length16 3/4”
Fall Material: Top grain Brown cow hide
• Number of Falls: 45
Weight: 12oz
• Leather Weight: 6oz or 3/32"