Hybrid wood w/Gold Glistening resin, Long Fall Flogger

Regular price $305.00 Sale


• Description: This elegant flogger has a wonderfully polished, smooth wood handle. Make this the pinnacle of your collection. The warmth of the wood, matched with the resin make a beautiful combination and will surely leave others breathless.
Handle: Hybrid wood, Stabilized Quilted Maple with clear resin & gold pearlescent 
Spacers: Black ice Kirinite
• Neck Material: Brass
• Neck Diameter: 1 1/16"
 Handle Length: 6 1/4”
Overall Length: 31 3/8”
Fall Width: 3/4”
Fall Length: 23 1/2”
Fall Material: Top grain Black Bull hide
• Number of Falls: 9
Weight: 16oz
• Leather Weight: 8oz or 1/8"